Last week Pete and I conducted our first weekly livestream, it went over well and we’re going to do it again this Friday at 4pm est. We’ll be livestreaming from one of our MAC’s at and on via my iPhone (see Qik video below of last weeks broadcast).
The impetus for our streaming this Friday is two-fold.
Firstly, we’ve long-discussed doing a regular segment. The benefit – discussing relevant content in another medium, especially one that allows for interaction (via chat) – is clear. We can all learn from each other and in the process safeguard our individual rights while growing larger and more tight-knit as a community.
Secondly, it will allow us to test the functionality of various streaming applications, which will be of use for those of you who have a smartphone. A couple of weeks ago I downloaded a number of streaming applications with the intention of writing a comparison post. When I’ve used each app, I’ve kept notes about the experience (quality, whether the stream fed correctly to the Internet, etc.). This Friday’s upcoming segment and future segments will allow for more data to be collected.
Again, we hope other CopBlockers join in, ask questions and seek accountability in policing today. We’ll see you there tomorrow.
Pete and Ademo Continue LiveStream Friday – Week Two Tomorrow is a post from Cop Block - Badges Don't Grant Extra Rights